Well-being - Health and Awareness Development Fair
Warsaw 16-17/03/2024 Palace of Culture and Science
I cordially invite you to Dobrostan - Health and Awareness Development Fair. I will have the pleasure of conducting a workshop there on Sunday at 10 o'clock

I cordially invite you to a weekend away workshop with Qi Gong :) Regardless of whether you already practice with me, another instructor or have never had experience with QiGong, I invite you to spend 3 days during which you can deepen your knowledge and skills in the field of holistic work with the body, mind, breath and emotions and, above all, have a nice time time in nature with very good social conditions :) The preliminary plan for this time: Friday: - 16.30 – accommodation, - 17.30 - official start - 18-19.30 – QiBalans (Qi Gong/Tai Chi/Tao Yoga) - 19.40 – dinner - 21.00 – Free Dance / Intuitive Dance Saturday: 8.00 – QiGong (Long Set + Energy March) 8.30 – breakfast 10-11.30 – QiBalans 11.30-12.00 – Meditation with the Practice of Emotions 1:00 p.m. – lunch 16.00 – 18.00 – 4 DRAGONS (set of 4 exercises that create fitness) 7:00 p.m. – dinner 20.00 -21.30 lecture on TAO, Qi Gong / Tai Chi 21.30 – Meditation with fire Sunday: 8.30 – Aura Cleansing Ceremony with nettles (for those interested) :) 9.00 – savory breakfast 10 – 12.00 – Qi Gong 12-12.30 – Meditation with the Practice of Emotions 1:00 p.m. – refreshments and official ending WHERE? Czarnożyły 251A, 98-310 Czarnożyły FOR HOW MUCH? PLN 1,550 which includes: - accommodation in a double or triple room with a bathroom, - full vegetarian or vegan meals (3 meals with desserts and drinks - all prepared on site), - all trainings/attractions included in the plan. Additionally, it is possible to take advantage of the SPA offer - https://osadashalima.pl/#oferta and individual sessions with me www.unity-ray.com.